Good to know

You have questions? This will be your first experience? You don’t know where is located the Rouge River? Well.. Read the “Good to know” section! 🙂

  • Road directions
    Watch out GPS… The infos sometime are wrong and you will find yourself lost in the middle of the forest. Please use our directions.
  • Facilities: modernity and nature
    We just renovated most of our facilities in the past years. We now have a brand new sanitary building, a pool, spa, relaxation space… And our Volley-ball ground is waiting for you!
  • Pictures and videos
    Because a picture is usuallyworth a thousand word, we invite you to have a look to our picture database. Don’t forget to look at our videos to have a clearer look about how cool is a rafting day with Propulsion Rafting
  • Owner’s thoughts
    Nicolas Achim first tasted rafting as a customer, then became a guide, then became the owner. You can read his words about his life’s love and pasion : whitewater.
  • History
    Creating smiles since 1982, Propulsion created multiple unforgettable stories for its customer since 34 years now.
  • Cancellation policy
    Your schedule may change? Make sure you read our cancelation policy 🙂